Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Jordan got to see his 2nd movie ever at a movie theater this past Saturday with Daddy (his 1st one was Disney's Pixar UP with Mary Kay & Claudia). They went to see Transformers II; Jordan is still young enough not to catch onto anything, but loves Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and all of the transformers. It was a 2 hour, 40 minute long movie and Philip said he did just excellent. They went to the first showing at 0900 on Saturday and all in total there were about 40 people in the theater including kids. Justin & I stayed home, in fact, I got some reading done since Justin napped for an hour of that time...it was kind of relaxing; who knew:-)

Saturday afternoon, Philip replaced our 1 ash tree out in the back yard with a birch tree and added 2 more maple trees as well. Now we've got 5 trees out back that we've just got to wait for them to get bigger to give us shade and block the view of the main street! That evening we headed over to Mary Kay's for an excellent meatloaf dinner...the weather was great so we got to eat outside and enjoy everyone's company!

This Friday we are heading down to Astoria, OR for the long weekend and coming back on Monday. I'm excited since this was the same place we went to on our very first camping trip exactly 2 years ago (July 4th weekend as well) when we rented the camping trailer. Who would've thought we'd be toting 2 boys along a couple years later...I think we're going to try to ride the train again, go to the fort they have there, as well as the Tillamook cheese factory. The weather is supposed to be nice, and with Justin being sick that we didn't get to go camping in June it actually seems like a long time since we've last went out. Well we are actually making up for it and going this weekend, 7/31 weekend, and again in August.

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