Thursday, July 2, 2009

Do your teeth really fall out if you don't brush them?

Jordan went to his 2nd dentist appt. of his life yesterday and he has 4 cavities. They are on his 12 year molars which means we've got two more trips planned back to the dentist for August and September for fillings on the left side and the right side. If they were on any of his teeth that start falling out around the age of 6, we wouldn't have had to worry about getting fillings. The dentist said that they are small enough that he probably won't have to use anesthesia...not really sure how that will work, but I'm guessing we've got another traumatic event coming up in the life of parenting a 4-year old. I mean, I'm still afraid myself of the dentist....I think it's just something you never grow out of!

So, we are really taking the precautions now after realizing that our brushing his teeth for him isn't working that well, so now we are going to monitor the late night snacking to ensure he brushes his teeth directly after he eats and specifically before he goes to bed, anywhoo I had cavities growing up as a kid and have since not had any for a really long time, so I think it's kids being kids.

Jordan was a definite trooper at the dentist...he didn't cry one bit while they took his first set of x-rays (2 shots), then took the power toothbrush and fully brushed all of his teeth, then flossed, and finally the dentist took the metal poker instrument to check for cavities and then apply the fluoride treatment. Except for the throwing up in the car on the way home, he did excellent!!! Yeah I said throwing up...he didn't like the after taste of the fluoride treatment and the next thing I know he's ganging and ends up throwing up in his Happy meal bag from McDonald's; luckily I caught it ahead of time and dumped the stuff out first...poor guy! He was perfectly fine after that, but said "mommy, I don't like the taste of that stuff in my mouth!"

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