Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well, the yard sale went great this weekend...I was out there on Friday & Saturday whilst watching Justin, who of course was sick over the weekend (actually since this past Wednesday). Today was the first day he didn't have a fever, so he's going back to daycare tomorrow...he has gotten 4 out of the 5 doses of the antibiotics & his pediatrician said by Monday that he would no longer be contagious, whether it was bacterial or viral pneumonia. I just hope that daycare isn't walking around with a thermometer all day checking his temperature and then calls me that he's got one...

We made $265 for the two days...I got rid of all of the baby gear I had with the exception of about 15 or so little outfits (I was getting rid of NB through 12 months). Needless to say, we are very happy; especially Philip since he gets to have his garage back! With some of the $, I bought Jordan a new pair of sneakers since the ones he was wearing were all trashed...this is the first time I've had to buy the same size for sneakers. He's still wearing size 11 and Justin is wearing size 6. Normally Jordan's feet grow faster then he trashes the shoes...I see this can get very expensive:-) With another one following suit!

Jordan got his very big boy haircut today! His hair was getting pretty long and ragged. The clippers were used all of the way up to leaving a little bit on the top. I'll have to post a picture tomorrow...Justin is getting his cut next weekend since we didn't have the camera with us, but more so he is just getting over being real sick. Not sure how we'll cut his hair since it's completely straight like mine; possibly a bowl cut, but not for sure.

We bbq'd steaks last night w/Mary Kay and family, and the Jordan & Philip went over to the neighbors across the street for a quick chat at a party where Jordan got to jump on a trampoline! Instantaneously, he thinks he's getting one for Christmas now:-) It was a long weekend since I had a vacation day Friday that turned out to be a sick day with Justin anyways! He is definitely doing better now...we go in Thursday morning for a 7-day check up.

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