Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Banks Lake Fishing Trip - Photos

I already posted a couple weeks back on how the camping/fishing trip went and am just now getting to posting the photos...ENJOY!

Jordan couldn't wait to go out and fish, so they just took the paddle boat out as soon as we got to the spot so Jordan could go out and fish...Philip, myself, and Justin are still on shore. This is Philip's co-workers husband, son, and his friend with Jordan.

This was back at the campsite dock that has access to the lake. We were waiting to go to the prime fishing spot by just hanging out here trying to catch something, which of course we didn't!

Justin didn't go out in the boat (yes, we had a motorboat and not just the paddle boat for all of you thinking about that:-))! He's hanging around onshore playing and climbing on the big jagged rock pile! I couldn't keep him off of it!

Jordan with one of his many fish that he caught this day!
Jordan & Daddy fishing together...daddy's doing all of the dirty work by taking the hook out of the fishes mouth and casting; Jordan was in charge of holding the fishing pole and reeling it in!!! It takes teamwork!!!

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