Sunday, September 13, 2009

Woodland Park Zoo

We went to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle yesterday. It was our first trip there ever in the 5 1/2 years we've lived here. We decided to go since this weekend was mid-upper 80's and predicted to be the last nice weekend before fall officially starts. Since our Labor Day weekend activities and camping were a bust because we were all sick, we made up for some of it on Saturday by going to the zoo!

Of everything they have at the zoo, which seems to be quite a bit since it's on 92 acres...we saw everything except for the mountain goat and the sun bear. We were at the park from 11:30-6p (closing time). I swear we walked like 5 legs and butt are still friggen' sore today! The boys had a great time...If you ask Jordan what his favorite animals were, he'd tell you the spiders; not sure why he picked them but he was fascinated with the 'bug world' exhibit. He had to go through it 3 different times:-) It was gorgeous weather as I said and we packed sandwiches and snacks so we didn't have to buy anything there and also ended up finding parking right out on the street next to the north end zoo entrance so we got to save the $5 for parking too!! We invited Mary Kay to come with and of course she did...she loved that the boys were having such a great time.

We got to the RAM steakhouse for dinner at about 7p and left there at about 8:20. We ate outside because it was such a wonderful night, PLUS with the party of five we would've had to wait 20-30 minutes for inside seating and instead got seated in 2 minutes:-) We ended up being out of the house from 10a until 8:30p; it was a very long day, but was definitely fun and well worth it! I'll be posting pictures shortly once Philip gets them loaded...(tonight hopefully)!

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