Monday, September 7, 2009

It's Labor Day...

...and boy do I feel like I've been 'laboring' this weekend!!! I've been laboring 1/2 the weekend cleaning up vomit and washing linen over and over and over and over...(you catch the drift?) Philip and I took Friday off to go camping...that never happened because Justin woke up Friday morning vomiting and into Saturday. Who wants to be stuck in a itty bitty trailer confined with vomit and germs, so we decided to stay home. Jordan picked up the bug and he started vomiting with Justin on Saturday; I then picked up the bug on Sunday and started vomiting, and Philip got a different version of the bug on last night into today......It was the kind of 24-hour bug, thank goodness, but we never got our last long weekend out in the camper before we have to put it away for the winter; well I guess there is always next year.

Jordan and Daddy did get out on Sunday to see the movie Ponyo and get Jordan's haircut...what did I tell you; Philip goes on his own and Jordan's hair is getting shorter and shorter with each visit:-) It looks really nice though as you can see below!

I finally ventured out of the house today (actually Justin & I did)...I hadn't been out since I took Jordan to daycare on Friday morning. It was definitely more of a laid back weekend except for the being sick part of course:-( When Philip went back Friday afternoon to get Jordan, daycare was scrubbing the entire building down...I guess a lot of kids got this bug and either weren't in for the day, had to go home, or were getting sick; hopefully with the long weekend we should all be good to go!

Philip (with Justin's help:-)) was able to put the last piece of new office furniture together this weekend as well. Thank goodness Justin was there to lend daddy a hand cuz I'm not sure he would've been able to do it by himself:-) Justin always has to be in the mix of things!

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