Sunday, September 20, 2009

Grandma & Papa's Visit

Since Grandma and Papa arrived this past Tuesday night, we've gone to the Puyallup Fair, Spooner Farms, Cabela's, and watched a livestock auction in Enumclaw...I know what you're thinking, but Grandma & Papa are country folks who like to do country things! Jordan had a great time on the rides at the fair and both of the boys enjoyed looking at all of the animals. It was something like mid 80's this past Thursday when we went to the fair. Today we just spent the day hanging out at the house eating the fish that daddy and Jordan caught during our Banks Lake fishing/camping trip. We also went down to the park with the boys so they could swing and go down the slide. They had a great time! Tomorrow, I think I'm taking everyone down to NW Trek for the last hoorah of the summer since Grandpa has never been there...I think he'll like that. Jordan is excited to go, plus I think Tuesday the rain is supposed to be back and then Grandma and Papa leave on Wednesday which is when I go back to work anyways!

I'll update with photos of their visit and the remaining last few days sometime this week...

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