Saturday, September 5, 2009

Last weekend of the summer...what a downer!

We didn't get to go camping this weekend because Justin is sick and is throwing up...Jordan actually got sick this morning and now he's throwing up too!!! OMG, when does it ever end? I'm hoping Philip and I don't come down with it too! Philip actually has had a migraine since yesterday afternoon so he's laying down too with the boys. All 3 of them are in the living room lounging around & napping. I couldn't imagine being confined in such the small space with kids barfing everywhere and it being cold and rainy outside too...I guess it happened for the better since this weekend on the WA coast was going to be very cold and rainy!

I spent my vacation day yesterday cleaning up vomit from Justin since he can't use a bucket like Jordan and did he every just walk and puke everywhere!!! I'll need my carpets cleaned AGAIN! I just had them cleaned a couple of weekends ago. Obviously we've got no big plans for the remainder of the long weekend except to relax and get everyone better.

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