Thursday, October 30, 2008

He's on the move!

Justin has started crawling today! It's the funniest thing to see since he's doing it in a pretty choppy fashion...Once he's up on all 4's, he pushes/inches forward across the floor. He went approximately 5 feet to get Jordan's Halloween mask because it must've looked so good:) I moved the mask and he again took off after it; this went on for about 4 different times over a 10 minute period. Of course I didn't have the video camera out, so I'll post video of him doing this tomorrow since it's now his 'new thing' to do!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Travel Trailer Pictures

How do you wonder in the last photo that Philip & I ended up in the picture together...? Jordan took it!!! Yup, I think he's going to be a photographer when he grows up; not bad, huh?

A few new pictures of the boys

Jordan trying to help daddy in the kitchen... but instead taking time to pose for a picture:)

Justin in 'happy' form waiting to be fed...he ALREADY loves his food!Jordan BEFORE his haircut,
Justin up on all 4's trying to get the crawling thing under control...
Jordan AFTER his haircut!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Busy Weekend...

We had a very busy weekend; Jordan and Daddy got their haircuts, we had a BBQ yesterday, AND Justin was up on all 4's rocking on his hands and knees making a very small attempt, but an attempt none the less in trying to crawl. I got a few good pictures that I need to post; I will add some tomorrow as well as the pictures of the travel trailer. (Yes, I'm still working on that:))!

Philip made an EXCELLENT southern BBQ this weekend. We had s couple of his co-workers over and their families as well as our neighbor MaryKay and our other neighbors with their daughter Samantha. The weather was wonderful! Sunny and mid-high 60's; who would've thought that I would say wonderful to 60 degree weather...We had baby back ribs, steaks, mac & cheese, homemade greens, hush puppies, and apple pies he brought back from his business trip through TN last week.

Justin's two bottom teeth have also popped through now; it's hard to believe he'll be 7-months old on Sunday!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Me and the boys...

are going to be all alone this week! Philip flies out this morning back to KY for work...this has become an every other month 'thing' for one week at a time. Thank goodness we have such a GREAT neighbor! I will drop off the boys later then usual at daycare and then she'll pick them up on Tuesday-Friday...she is so great since in our pinch last week with my car broke down, she was able to 'on the fly' get the boys from daycare within the 1/2 hour we called her. Thank goodness for wonderful neighbors...(she is the one in the pictures somewhere in my blog helping us to make jam)!!!

Jordan (and I) went to a birthday party yesterday for Samantha (neighbor); she turns 4-years old today! Jordan didn't play any games, he ate a cupcake, and wanted to leave by 1 hour later...I guess there was just too many people he didn't know including a bunch of other of Samantha's cousins that Jordan just wanted to leave (Justin stayed home with Daddy). He told me he had fun, but I think he was fibbing!

Justin's two bottom teeth are about pushed through can see the white and feel the hard of the tooth; he's in such pain and now waking up 3-4 times a night since Friday:( However, he did SMILE for his 6 (1/2) month photos we had taken over the weekend. I'll have to see if I can't post the link so you can see him and Jordan in their costumes too! I don't know what it is about going to get pictures taken, but Jordan it seems would just as soon go to the dentist...he hates it, won't smile, and just plain drives me crazy trying to get 1 picture; at home though, it's "mommy, take my picture", "where's the camera", "CHEESE"...I guess it's just being 3 1/2 years old!

Anyways, have a great week and I'll post some pics later!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A new car now?

On Tuesday (10/14) my car broke down while I was on my way home...long story short, I was concerned that the problem to fix was going to cost more then the car is worth. The Kelley Blue Book value for the car is only about $3K for my 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee that I bought in 2000 with 152K miles on it...knowing we just bought a travel trailer, we weren't looking to buy a new car either. Anyways, it ended up just being a loose hose the sprayed transmission fluid all over the undercarriage, front tires, and the rear end of the car. The cost for this fix is $300...YEAH, no new car!!! The hope is that it last another good year or two, then we'll revisit buying a new car...maybe a new minivan (Toyota Sienna) like my cousin has:)

So yesterday and today I'm driving a rent a car that barely fits myself with two car seats and the boys in it...thank goodness on my way home today, I'm picking up my car. Philip would have to be strapped to the roof to go anywhere with us:) I wouldn't last any longer in the Chevy Aveo; good on gas I'm guessing, bad on toting families/car seats/ and strollers!!!

Look for pictures of our travel trailer over the weekend.

Monday, October 13, 2008

6-months already!

I can't believe Justin is 6-months old already...Well actually this week Thursday (10/16) he'll be 6 1/2 months old. He had his 6-month check-up last week and weighed 17 lbs. 4 oz. and was 27 1/4" long. His pediatrician couldn't get over how long he is. He grew just over 2" since his 4-month check up which means now he's considered slender because he grew SO long!!! I wish I could say the same for me:)

At Jordan's 6-month check-up, he was 25 1/4" long and weighed 15 lbs. 8 oz. Of course he was 11 weeks early so I really have to compare Justin's 6 month stats to Jordan's 9 month stats which puts them on even ground:)

At the doctor's office Jordan knew Justin was getting shots, but he was in for a big surprise when he too got a flu shot since the office just got them in. He cried only for a minute, I think it scared him more then hurt plus he got a big tootsie pop sucker out of it so I think that definitely made up for it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

MI Vacation - Photos

Below are a few slide shows of some of the highlights of the fun the boys had in MI. Of course I've got a bunch of family photos as well, but I'll send out a seperate link for those to whomever wants to see them.

2nd Cousins are the Greatest!!!

Fishing (or at least pretending to)!

On Grandpa's Farm!

Camp Jamison?

We went looking at travel trailers this weekend and ended up purchasing one:) We had been looking for the last 2-3 years but postponed it last year when we found out baby Justin was coming...over the weekend, there was a RV show at the Tacoma dome and we found one that we just fell in love with! We are taking delivery of it this coming Saturday. It is 26' and is able to be towed by Philip's current vehicle (which is paid for:)) which was are driving and determining factor on which trailer we wanted or could get! It is a 2009 model so the theory is that we'll have it for a REALLY long time.

Since we are now going into the winter season, we will be storing it up the street from our house at a storage facility that has what looks to be like a 100 or so RV's and THEN working to start booking vacations at campsites for every long holiday starting in the spring...we are now going to be that family that is never home on a holiday or long weekend during the spring or summer! I will post out some actual photos next weekend once we get it.

Jordan was really excited and actually remembered sleeping on a bunk bed in July 2007 when we rented a travel trailer to go down to Seaside, OR. Since he'll be 4 years old next April, it will be so much more fun for him!

FYI - I didn't forget to post pictures from our MI trip; I just didn't get around to it this weekend. I will definitely do so during this week before classes start again on next Monday!