Thursday, November 27, 2008

Phil's Bake Shop...update

OK, on last nights posting I was misinformed on the bake goods Philip was is the actual list (FYI - he's STILL in the kitchen baking)!

(2) pumpkin pies
(1) Red Velvet Cake
(1) 7-up Cake
(2) Peach Cobblers

I'll definitely be on a diet after this:)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pictures & Milestones

Justin just pulled himself up today for the first time, in fact, it was only about 2 hours ago that he did it (see the picture below). He will be 8-months old on Tuesday...time is just flying by SO fast! It only seemed I was home on maternity leave when in fact I've been back to work for 5 months already! He has both of his bottom front teeth and his top right front tooth and now just today he poked through his top left front tooth...makes sense since last night he was up twice and very cranky. I just wish all of his teeth would come in right now so it could all be done and over with at one time; this one tooth here and there 'thing' is killing him and me:)
Jordan STILL loves his little brother to pieces. Here are some current pictures of the boys together below. We are still working on the potty training; peeing is one thing but pooping is another whole different story! I really think he's scared to poop on the potty for some reason...any suggestions from you pros out there that have gone through this already? I'm about ready to give up and put pull-ups back on him...

Justin & daddy too tired from the week...

We are going over to Philip's friend's house tomorrow in Redmond for Turkey Day! This are some of the same folks that were down here for the BBQ a couple of months back...both their families and ours live out of state, so it works out perfect in that regards that we share Thanksgiving together. In fact, Philip's in the kitchen right this minute making desserts (Red Velvet Cake now & Peach Cobbler tomorrow morning before we go)...he's just glad he doesn't have to cook the meal this year! I'll try to post some pics tomorrow from the gathering, but if not, know in advance that we had fun!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! - from the Jamison Family!

The wheels on the bus go round & round...

It's a short work week, but I still completed 3 round trips on a bus commuting to work from Puyallup to Bellevue...very interesting riding the bus; folks fall asleep and miss their stops, some people are smelly, and a lot are plain rude (bus drivers included)! The only good thing is that I would've filled my gas tank up on Monday morning and again tomorrow morning on my way in, but instead between the park and ride and picking up the boys from daycare I've only used a 1/8 of a tank in 3 this rate (excl. weekend driving), it'll take me one month to fill up the gas tank:) That's gas savings alone of approximately $400/mo!!! We're saving the gas $ for potentially a new car when my 9 year-old vehicle with 154K miles on it 'craps out'...NOT before!

The bus ride is an additional 15/20 minutes each way, but that's a small sacrifice to make to be saving lots of $!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME...(1 day late)!

Well, I'm now 35 years old...UGH!!! It's even harder to write it down! This is the first age I can remember when I was growing up that my mom was & that was very old at the time (it STILL is very old now)! I'm struggling to be able to say I'm 35, yeah I know some of you reading this are older then me and can probably remember an age when you said my gosh I'm as old as my mom!

Anyways when I got home from work yesterday, the boys had made me a homemade birthday was yummy! They also bought me some new pajamas and sang happy birthday to me! Ironically, IT WAS MY BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Random Tid Bits

We got invited to Philip's co-workers house for Thanksgiving...:) That means no cooking for Philip:) These are the same people from the BBQ we had at our house just a few weeks ago. They have a 4-year old daughter named Holly who Jordan just got along with so wonderfully! It'll be nice to get out of the house for a holiday & NOT have to travel to some other state for that meal!!! Jordan has already been asking about when he gets to see Holly again.

2-weeks from today our company is moving to downtown Bellevue which means I have to learn the transit system since I'll be riding the bus back and forth to work! It's great I'll be saving $ that would've normally been spent on gas, plus making $75 a month that the company is paying us not to park on site, but it means that I'll have to rely on someone else getting me where I need to be AND on time. I'll have use of a zip car at work if I need to run errands while at the office. This is a very nice added convenience IF I can sign up in advance of needing it...seems screwy! I'll have to let you all know how it goes and how I adjust after the first couple or so weeks.

After the class I'm in now is over in Dec., I'll be exactly 1/2 way through the MBA program...only 8 more classes to go:)

Philip winterized the trailer last week and we covered it on Saturday. It is now stored for the winter...we are looking forward to the spring time when we'll get to take it out and actually USE it!!! Philip IS going to Obama's inauguration in Jan09. He's already got everything reserved as he's going to do it with a trip to Hopkinsville, KY for work with a stop over in DC (Yes, it's actually cheaper doing this then flying directly to KY; don't ask me how). He's very excited, plus he gets to see our god-daughter Milixa in Quantico, VA. It's been years since we last saw her so this too will be exciting. I'll have to make sure to post some pics when he gets back.

Justin is working on popping through his top 2 teeth now...poor kid has gotten no relief from his teeth and won't for the next several months until they all pop out; and this too shall pass:) He got his 2nd part of his flu shot on Saturday and went to scream but it went so fast he actually forgot to cry:) Other then that, he's moving around like crazy and actually trying to pull himself up if you can believe that. I've got a picture of him from this weekend where he actually pulled himself up onto the 1st stair to reach Jordan's shoes on the 2nd step!

That's all for now!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Getting SO BIG & growing up TOO FAST!

Justin is now sitting up unassisted and crawling all over the place. I set him down by the kitchen and he found his way into the front room to be with his brother. He just seems so much bigger obviously then Jordan was at 7 months, but I swear he's extra long...look at the pictures below, especially the couple in his diaper. He's basically been wearing 12 month clothes since he was just about 6 months old. I can't believe in 5 months already that he'll be a one-year old toddler...

Below are pictures for your viewing pleasure of the little (well actually big) guy!

Happy Halloween...5 days late!

Better late then never! Jordan got to go out trick or treating for the first time to actually get candy...last year I was to 'pregnant sick' to go out, so this year daddy took him around the entire block to every house while I stayed home with Justin handing out candy. We didn't have but 25 kids this year whereas last year we had upwards of 50 kids, so not only do I have all of Jordan's candy in the house, I still have candy left that I didn't give out! I'm going to take a lot of into my work next'll be gone in 10 minutes if its left in the kitchen:)

Below are pictures of the boys in their halloween costumes. Jordan was Ironman and Justin was a dragon. These were pictures taken at Daycare when the boys had their Halloween parties except for the one dated 10/31 showing Jordan's 'loot'. It was so funny watching Jordan pick out a piece of candy to was like he was making a life or death decision:)

Jordan and his bestest friend Wyatt!
Jordan & Megan!

Jordan's loot!
Justin & Caleb...