Sunday, August 31, 2008

It's been 1 week...

Well it's now been one full week since Jordan has been in big boy underpants. He had a couple of accidents here and there, but all in all, he's been doing very good! Well, I should say I'm talking pee pee since poo poo is an entirely different story. For whatever reason, he's not inclined to poop on the potty as much as he is to poop in his underpants, come find me, and tell me to dump his poop into the potty so he can flush the toilet. I don't understand why he can't just sit on the potty and poop directly into it. I don't know why we have to go through this entire process for 'pooping'. This whole potty training thing is so strange to me, I DEFINITELY found it easier to potty train my two pugs when they were weeks old then training my 3 year old!!! Oh well, work in progress and we are definitely mastering the day pee potty training...I can only hope and be thankful for baby steps:)

We are going to Northwest Trek tomorrow for Labor Day since it is supposed to be the nicest of the three days this weekend. I'll have to post some pictures hopefully tomorrow and let you know how it all went. Jordan doesn't know yet, so it will be a great big happy surprise for him.

On a happy note, we are approximately one weekend away from having a completely remodeled 1/2 bath. Philip cut the white baseboard today so now they just have to be painted a white that matches our existing molding and installed. The final item to finish in the bathroom is the install of crown molding. I should have pictures of this real soon to post...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend Bike trip...

I didn't have the pictures loaded earlier today when I posted about the big boy underpants, but on Saturday we all went bike riding...Philip pulling Justin and Jordan in a bike trailer and me trying to keep up on my own. It was sunny and high 70's, but it definitely felt warmer since there was no wind. Philip and I hadn't been bike riding since I think like two years ago since I was pregnant last year...The bikes were dusty and needed air in the tires, but after Philip readied the bikes and the trailer, and loaded them into the truck we drove out to Sumner (about 10 miles away) to the Foothills Bike trail which is approximately a total of 30 miles of biking trails...we accomplished at max. on this trip 2 of it!!! Maybe we can try 3 or 4 miles the next time. Jordan was actually the first to complain that he wanted to go home, but he was also the first one who we couldn't get there fast enough to ride. Below are a couple of pictures of the day to include a couple of very clear and close shots of Mount Rainier since it is only about 35 or so miles away. The cement trails in the Mt. Rainier pictures are actually the bike trails which we stopped for a break to take the picture since it was such a clear day.


Yup, we did it...this weekend (well actually yesterday to be exact) we put Jordan in big boy underpants (he picked out the Hulk, Diego, and Spiderman). We figure it's 'do or die' and that like his friends in daycare that he'll take to going on the potty because he sees his other friends wearing them and going. He had one minor accident yesterday, but other then that he used the potty all day!!! And we even had a play date yesterday afternoon for about an hour and a half and he actually used their potty twice while we were over there...! I reminded him to go on the every 1/2 hour just until we get a system going and he starts going by himself without reminders:) Jordan's a "clean freak" and hates to be dirty so peeing on himself should hopefully do the trick to let him know that he doesn't like it and should go to the potty.

I'll let you all know how his first week at school (daycare) with his big boy underpants on went later this week.

Send us your 'good' potty vibes...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I was promoted at work 2 weeks ago...yeah, I know you thought I would've told you all sooner then this, but I guess it's just not important in the scheme of things!

Anyways my new job title is Program Manager-Revenue Accounting. I'm still in my same group/dept., but my job duties have changed from being a month end accountant, balance sheet recons, and journal entries to actually working on the projects the impact revenue and cash accounting. Since you still need to understand the accounting side, it's a perfect match for me in that I get out of the month end rut and move into working to get new/updated initiatives implemented and worked into our group. I basically am creating a new set of skills related to program management.

Until they hire someone to replace me, I'm basically working two jobs; split each month between my old role and my new role. I'm excited and totally looking forward to my new role and the new set of challenges it will bring!

Just checking in...

It's been over a week since I last blogged and not much has been going on...Philip is traveling this week for work in KY so I'm maintaining the homefront! I have admiration for the single parents who do this day in and day out; I couldn't imagine doing this all by myself everyday! One week here and there is enough for me:)

We are STILL working on the potty training. Jordan did decide to start going potty randomly on his own here and there; I suggest he go potty, he says 'no', then goes potty later on. I mean does he have to fight me every step of the way...I'm at my wits end trying to figure out how to get him on board with at least being fully day-trained on the potty. I know nightime training will take longer, but I mean 'C'mon'!

The bathroom remodel is 90% complete (YEAH!). We (who am I kidding, I mean Philip) just have to replace the wood baseboards to the white ones and then put crown moulding up. All of the fixtures have been installed and the painting is done. I should be able to get pictures once completed in the near short team; I'm hoping in a week or two. I know Philip would like me to stop 'hounding' him every weekend:)!!! Jordan even got in on the action trying help daddy finish!

Justin is getting bigger by the day...He just LOVES his big brother to pieces. In fact, you can see from the pictures below that Jordan just loves him too! I took a couple of them seperately as well because someone reminded me that when #2 comes along, you don't see them so much individually in pictures as you do when #1 was by themself. You always now take pictures of the two of them together, so I've consciously made the effort to ensure I get Justin by hisself in pictures as well!

Last week I was washing dishes and I heard Jordan 'reading' a story; he does this a lot now. He now tells stories by reading books just like we read to him before bed and like daycare reads to him at school. He always starts his stories out with 'once upon a time' so when I heard this, I turned around and below is what I saw... Jordan reading his dinosaur book to his little brother; even holding up the book to show him the pictures as he told the story. It was so cute I ran to grab the camera to capture the moment...our camera is never very far away!

Well take care this week and I'll blog again soon!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

4-month Check Up

Justin had his 4-month check up yesterday and is doing great! He weighs 14 lbs. 10 oz. and is 25 1/2" long. I had the doctor check Jordan's 4-month stats and since he was so early it's really hard to compare, but just for the sake of knowing Jordan weighed 11 lbs. 5oz. and was 23 3/8" long at his 4-month check up. Being so early he was more comparable to Justin when he was 2-months old:)

Justin also rolled over for the first time this past week...he is getting so big so fast!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New tricks & New Hair!

Jordan got a haircut today...that now makes a total of 4 during his lifetime! He does so good while he gets his haircut. He just sits in the chair while the lady cuts it. I have the hardest time just brushing his hair and this lady uses a comb and tugs it out and sprays him with water and he just sits there...I can't seem to figure it out!


Today was the first day Justin got in his little bouncer...he looks SO big! Two days ago (Friday) should've been his 4-month check up instead his pediatrician was OOF so we go this coming Friday. I'll post some stats and what he's up to after the appt. We did have to make a trek in to the doctor that was on call covering for ours Friday afternoon because Justin wanted to decide to keep a nasty looking rash all over his body. Poor guy, was still happy and smiling:) Come to find out it was just a viral rash that should go away on its own (no medicine for it) in a couple of days and in fact today it was basically all gone...

Philip got his haircut today as well and out of nowhere Jordan says he has to go we go next door to the beauty salon's bathroom and he 'goes' and 'goes a lot' (standing up mind you into a big potty (well actually smaller then a normal toilet since his standing up was just the right size, sorry if TMI)!!! I'm flabergasted...this is a breakthrough on the potty training we've been waiting for!!! I guess sooner or later they'll make the connection and it will start to work. I just hope it's before kindergarten! Anyways, below is a picture of the boys playing horsie...Jordan just loves his little brother to pieces, in fact, Friday coming home from Justin's doctor appointment, I asked Jordan if Justin was awake and he said "no". Then I hear Jordan say, "Justin, wake up Sweetie!" That's the word I use all the time, "Sweetie". It was so cute, I laughed to myself so as to not sound like I was making fun of Jordan...I love my boys!!! (and Philip too)!