Friday, December 26, 2008

CHRISTMAS 2008 - slideshow


Well we had a great Christmas! Jordan got lots of presents from Santa and Justin got a few too! We couldn't not get Justin something because then Jordan would think Justin was a 'bad boy' since Santa hadn't brought him any presents...Mommy & Daddy got a deep freezer for Christmas that we pick up tomorrow from Sears. It is a Kenmore 14.8 cubic foot one; it holds something like 600 lbs of food...since Mom and Dad Roth contributed 1/2 the amount via gift cards for our Xmas presents, we chose to get the biggest one they had chest size (excluding the one you could actually hide bodies in)! We figure we'll be able to go down to the Butcher Boys meat shop and actually buy a 100 or so pounds of meat cheaper, which we are sure would also taste better then the grocery stores meat.

Jordan got up and went to the sliding glass door to look out the window to determine if Santa had come...I guess he thought Santa walked up to the back door to get in the house, not down our chimney! He got very nervous since he couldn't see Santa footprints and said that Santa hadn't come; not until we said are you sure that he looked at the Christmas tree to see the presents under it that he finally said 'he did come'! Jordan got SO many presents from Santa this year...he must've been a really good boy:)

We went over to our neighbor Mary Kay's house for Christmas Eve dinner and had a great meal with great friends and met some new folks as well. She was to come over to our house for Christmas dinner yesterday, but instead she fell on the ice flat on her back out in her driveway picking up her newspaper...she had to miss out on the company, but Philip took her a plate for two so she could get her first taste of fried turkey. Philip made the most wonderful and tasty dinner yesterday....I actually hadn't see Jordan eat so much in a long time, so you KNOW it was good:) He made fried turkey, mac and cheese, green bean casserole, yams (his secret recipe), and pumpkin pies. I think I'm still full 24 hours later! He made Aunt Deb's ham/cream cheese/ & onion stuffed hors' deovers too! THANKS Aunt Deb!!!!

I will follow this posting with a slide show of Xmas and the boys opening presents...We hope everyone had an enjoyable and memorable Christmas and will have a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A few new pictures of the boys

Jordan's brand new big boy haircut!
Justin's big blue eyes & food on the face look...
The boys just hanging out!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


This week has been so screwy! First off, who new that WA got so much snow...yeah, it's been snowing here all week and today I think we got close to 6" outside! Justin has been sick (2 ear infections - 1 in each ear) so I had to leave work early on Monday, I got to go to work on Tuesday, then had to work from home on Wednesday because of the snow, today (Thursday) was a vacation day for Christmas shopping that I didn't get to do since the roads were so snowy and slick that I didn't want to leave the house (its about 23 degrees or so outside), and now Philip is stuck in Pasco, WA from an overnight business trip (Wed. to Thursday) that it was supposed to be instead he got snowed in and flights cancelled that he now won't be back until tomorrow, so with schools closed already for tomorrow, daycare is running 2 hours late that I've got to work again from home tomorrow! I'll have to post some pictures of the snow tomorrow since it's now too late and too dark...bye for tonight as this makes 3 postings!

Our little photographer...

This picture was taken by Jordan...yes, Jordan took the actual picture as this is no cropping or enhancements to the photo since I don't think I would even know how to do that! Jordan just loves the digital camera, in fact, we got him a kid friendly spiderman camera for Christmas just for this reason; the other shot he took that's out on the blog is the one of Philip and I in front of our new travel trailer we had bought. He holds the camera up, zooms it in and out, tells us to say cheese, and then takes the picture; he also then shows it to me since I'm always so leary he hasn't cut off my head or something:)

Is Santa REALLY that scary?

Jordan and Justin had their holiday party today at school and they had a visit from that special someone during this time of can see that Justin all but wanted to get the hell out of dodge (he was on Santa's lap all of 20 seconds) and Jordan was more concerned with his little brother screaming then telling Santa what he wanted; though in the end Jordan did say he wanted a cat for Christmas...not that that is going to happen ever since I'm allergic to cats and we just got rid of the pups because they were lacking attention, & cats you can't just keep kenneled in the garage!

Monday, December 15, 2008

We are freezing our a--es off!

It was so cold here today! In fact, over the weekend we got 3 inches of snow at our house with more to come on Wednesday...when I got up this morning to head into work, my car was reading 16 degrees. But, have no fear, the high of the day was a big whoppin' 28 degrees!!!:)

We aren't supposed to above these sub-freezing temperatures until Sunday...I figured out my Christmas presents today whilst waiting for and riding the bus; a need a good pair of winter boots and some nice warm gloves...with my current gloves/socks/shoes I still froze my a-- off!

The bus actually had tire chains on the first of the season for the ride which we could only ride in at 40MPH...this is going to be a really long winter!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's a sad day!

We got rid of Peaches and Ike yesterday; our two pugs we've had for 8 years and 7 years respectively. They were just not getting any people attention like they used to, more so even lately since Justin came. We took them up to Redmond to the Seattle Pug Rescue's Vet...they will then be put into foster homes after exams/vaccines/& Ike to be neutered, and then be adopted.

The link to the non-profit org. is above...soon you will see Peaches and Ike's pictures out there once they are ready to be adopted. It was sad to leave them, but we know they'll get into homes where people will love and play with them more then they are here.

Friday, December 12, 2008

It finally happened...

I filled up my gas tank:)!!!

Yesterday was my first fill up since the ride home from Redmond on Thanksgiving day (11/27). It has been exactly two weeks...that's 1 fill up now to what would've been 4 fill ups during those two weeks I was driving back and forth to work instead of now riding the bus!

On a side note, I bought an IPOD this past week so now I don't have to talk to hope when someone sits down next to me that they don't want to make casual conversation with a stranger:)

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Look how tall I am mom?
Happy Thanksgiving...why am I in this cage?
Jordan waiting his turn for bowling...using the Wii; of course he wants one now!
Jordan on Holly's scooter; we were at Philip's co-worker's house in Redmond on Turkey Day!
Jordan likes to pose with his brother...
Justin, do you have to watch me take a bath?
Look at all my teeth!
The boys are really starting to play together is so cute to see! I guess this is why they say you've got to have two!

The wheels on the bus are STILL going round!!!

It was a full week last week riding the bus to and from work...I actually thought I could take up doing some writing/reading for school since it didn't seem to queasy on the bus, but lo and behold on Wednesday I barely made if off the bus and to my car before I threw up in the planter box outside of my car at the park and ride! SO, that means no more trying to do anything productive on the bus like catch up on school work...I'll only be able to listen to books on tape or music through my new IPOD (new 16G orange Nano) I got! It is really two fold; first so that random people don't just start talking to me (yes, this has happened on more then one occasion and I've only been riding the bus for 8 days...imagine what happens after 3 weeks; they might invite themselves over for Christmas); I figure with the ear phones on I can pretty much ignore anyone, and #2 is so that the bus ride doesn't seem so long! It's 1 hour 15 minutes into work, and 1 hour 45 minutes home...I'm out the door catching the bus in the dark and picking up the boys from daycare in the dark. The only bright side is that I filled my gas tank up in Bellevue on the way home from Thanksgiving dinner at Philip's friends house and still have 1/2 tank left; at this rate, it'll be Christmas before I have to fill up again...I'm suffering for the long ride on the bus, but banking a whole lot of extra cash! It was usually 1 hour 30 minutes home when I was driving myself anyways, so the bus just adds about 15 minutes or so each works for now since the bus is free, I'm driving less then 10 miles per day in my car, and my job pays me $75 dollars a month for taking the bus on top of paying for and giving me a bus pass; common sense and frugality rule my house!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Looking for an escape? Not so much, I love my brother!

Justin is now standing & cruising...he walks the length of our coffee table which is about 3-5' long. In fact, two mornings ago Philip walked into his room to get him in the morning and it was the first time he was standing up in his crib 'talking'...not yelling, just basically hanging out. What has really surprised us is that last night he crawled halfway up the stairs (about 5 or so steps)! He only turned 8 months old this past Tuesday...I think big brother Jordan is the main reason Justin is doing all these things; Jordan will get on the ground and crawl and Justin will just take off following him to keep up and play with him. Now that Justin has gotten so much bigger, they are acting like brothers being able to play together! What was really funny was a couple of nights ago they were fighting over this aqua doodle drawing pad...Justin was crawling on it trying to get the water marker from Jordan; Philip and I were standing back smiling because it was the first true interaction of 'brotherly love', with MANY more to come we're sure:)

Thanksgiving went great...Jordan had lots of fun playing with Holly; I'll have to post some pics over the weekend. I'm looking to finish Christmas shopping this weekend, so we'll see how that goes!