Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's winter time in WA...(and other stuff)

...NOT really, but sure feels like it!!! I'm sick with a very bad cold (runny nose, sore throat, head hurts, blahblahblah), it's rainy outside and barely 70 degrees today, AND Justin too has a really bad runny nose! Have I died and woke up in Alaska? I'm hoping Justin's is due to him cutting his last of his two fang teeth (the upper right one) and that he isn't sick like I actually am. Mine only started yesterday and I think it's because we went from summer weather to down right winter weather overnight and I didn't dress accordingly...I should know by now in the NW you layer it on to take it off:-) I've lived here long enough to know that!!! The good news is that this weekend we are supposed to be back up into the 80's which is great since we have my Annual company summer picnic at Vasa Park in Redmond. We were supposed to go last year figuring Jordan was old enough to finally have some fun, but with all the summer activities they had going on it ended up raining and was very cold so we didn't go...I'm really hoping to go this Sunday since Justin now too can enjoy some of the fun as well!!!

A few side notes/tidbits:
1. Philip made a bomb a-- meatloaf (actually 2 of them - different ingredients in each) on Sunday from scratch...I think Jordan has a new favorite meal if you can believe it:-) He was SO excited for leftovers yesterday; I said meatloaf was for dinner and he said the flat meat with ketchup...I LOVE meatloaf!!! When do you know a kid to love meatloaf...at least Jordan my most finickiest eater:-)

2. We didn't do much this past weekend. We just hung around the house and got some spring cleaning done; well, not all of it but 1/2 day worth was enough for me...I need a maid!

3. I made the Amish friendship bread that was passed to me from Ms. Mary Kay...It actually turned out pretty good (not as good as Mary Kay's though, not sure what I did differently except I used a bundt cake pan which you could use and MK used the loaf type pans). If your not sure what it is, it's kind of like a coffee cake tasting thing is what Philip and I said.

4. We found a couple of kittens (couldn't be more then 6-8 weeks old) peeking out from our raised flower beds in the back yard and when we went out Saturday to look, it was actually 3 kittens and a mom cat. We bet that she had the kittens in our flowerbeds and have been there ever since. We've never noticed, because if you know our backyard we've got very large bushes, plants, and shrubs that make an excellent hiding place for the new mom and her litter. We are currently working to feed them so we can catch them and take them to the humane society so they can be adopted. It's sad the folks just up and leave their animals:-(

5. Philip is next door to Mary Kay's house for the quarterly home owners association meeting. He is in fact the VP and all...MK is the President. There seems to be lots of issues over on the other street; I'm very glad we live on the street we do cuz we've got such great neighbors around us! They were having a cop or somebody come to go over how you would go about setting up a neighborhood watch...what do I need watched? I've got my friend Kareena across the street watching my side and Ms. MK next to us watching Kareena's side of the street:-) They both work from/stay at home all day! I'm guessing the price is expensive to set up, but I mean get real nobody even shows up to the HOA quarterly meetings...I think the neighborhood watch would end up being a total flop...SORRY for being the pessimist of the group to all my neighbor readers. Everyone would be gung ho at the beginning and then it would slowly peeter off...I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

6. Justin ate his dinner and then ate a WHOLE banana tonight...yes, the whole thing by himself without so much as a nibble was I or Jordan allowed; Jordan & I actually had to share a banana! I'm gonna have one stopped up boy in the 'poop' department:-)

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