Monday, August 31, 2009

Office Space?

Philip painted what is supposed to be our formal living room a pumpkin patch orange it's called, yesterday & Saturday, and put together all but one piece left of our new office furniture. It looks so elegant in the front room now, I'm almost afraid to sit/work in it:-) (It is the Sauder Regency Road collection from Office Max). The kids are now only allowed in the front room to watch TV; we've migrated their toys upstairs to the loft and their rooms respectively. They've each (or will soon for Justin) have their own toy boxes and there's no need to have toys EVERY friggen' where in the house. Philip & I figure we can call the office our own space with our own stuff in it:-) All that's left is for Philip to put together the hutch and for me to find a lamp and window coverings/treatment for the window; currently for those of you who don't know we've only got faux wood blinds on the front window. Oh, and Ms. Mary Kay is going to help us stain our really nice mirror a similar wood finish to match the new furniture wood else we would've just had to get rid of'll still fill the space nice on the large wall!

It was in the mid-high 70's (if not low 80's yesterday) and I took Justin and Jordan down to the park for one last hurrah before summer is over...the rain is due to come back this week and our temperatures get significantly cooler by this coming weekend; I think summer is officially over after this week:-( We are heading out camping on Friday over to Long Beach, WA for the long Labor Day weekend. It'll definitely be cooler, foggier, and rainier I'm sure over there so hopefully we don't again come home with a sick kid....Justin! I will get some pictures posted this week once Philip gets the camera loaded back to the computer since we had to 'gut' the entire room for painting and it's still about only 50% back in order!

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