Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MADD (as Hell)!

I'm a Mother and (hell) yes I'm Against Drunk Driving!!!

Yesterday on my way home from the park and ride to get the boys from daycare, I was in front of this blue car and in looking through my rear view mirror as I usually do, I saw the lady passenger drink Jose Cuervo Gold from the bottle...and yes, if you're asking I could read the bottle and knew exactly what she was drinking. It was about 1/2 gone. I was shocked to say the least as this is the middle of the day at 5p rush hour traffic. I started to slow down so I could try and get license plates numbers but backwards through the rear view mirror is hard to do, so I slowed down and then watched her pass the bottle to the male driver who then drank as well...what the hell!!! Are people so careless and unconcerned about their fellow drivers that they risk their lives and everyone else around them! They couldn't have been but in their 40's, maybe 50's and they didn't even try to hide what they were drinking...in broad daylight they were drinking from a quart of tequila.

I took action and got into the left turn lane hoping they would continue straight which they did. I wrote their license plate down and called 911. As I was sitting at the traffic light waiting to turn left, I gave the dispatcher on the phone who in turn patched me over to the right area/district to handle the call the car color make and model and then gave them the license plate number...as I was still on the phone telling the dispatcher they were heading west on 112th towards Canyon, a Pierce County Sheriff car with its lights and sirens blaring came blazing right past me so I knew they had them since the a--es were heading into some heavy traffic they wouldn't get far. The dispatcher had asked me if they were weaving all over the road and I said not really that I could notice, but I was only in front of them a couple few blocks and we were only going about 30 miles an hour but I said I know they are drinking Jose Cuervo Gold and the quart bottle was about 1/2 gone...she said nice attention to details!

It just amazes me how asinine folks can be! I would hope that other folks would do the same if they saw someone right in front of them drinking and driving...

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