Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Seaside, OR (July 4th Weekend)

OK, not so bad for this trip seeing as it was only a month ago:-) Below is a slide show from our trip to Seaside, OR for the 4th of July weekend. Jordan got to ride bumper cars, jump on a huge inflatable 'pillow', and visit the Seaside Aquarium (I know another aquarium, but Jordan & Justin really like fish & stuff). At this aquarium, we got to get close up to the seals as other folks fed them...we didn't want to get to close and get wet, plus pay for food seemed to be a waste as well! Justin tried to do the jumper thing, but was just too small...We again went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory and we bought about $50 worth of merchandise; not the ice cream/cheese/etc. since we get that here in WA, but more of the items specific to only being at the cheese factory like the large cheddar curds and fudge. Justin got up real close and personal with a new best friend during the visit!!! There are like hundreds and hundreds of people visiting there and for the price of 'stuff', I can't imagine how much they make in a day; it kinds of seems astronomical when you think about it.



The weather was OR coast weather for this time of the year and not at all warm and actually started to rain the very last night we were there, so we did luck out in the rain department for the entire 4 days we were there. Justin ended up getting sick again on this trip as well as he did when we went to Lincoln City over Memorial weekend...I think the coast weather and not being warm plays a big part! We did a lot more sight-seeing this time around then we did when we were there two years ago (Jordan was 2 and we rented our RV for our first camping trip). I hope you all enjoy the pictures; we had a great time!!!

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