Thursday, August 6, 2009

More random tidbits...

Philip will be home tomorrow before we go to bed; he actually thought he got home later then he actually does, which is good since there are a few things I want to do around the house on Saturday:-) A good nights rest will do Philip good!

On a side note, I've been getting Jordan to bed no later then 8:15p and he's not procrastinated like he usually does...I'm thinking it's because his alone time with Daddy is spent getting ready for bed, so of course he draaaaaaaags it out as long as possible...makes sense! I'll have to see if my theory holds water starting tomorrow night.

I think this weekend is going to be spent getting things done around the house, i.e., cleaning stuff I haven't cleaned it what seems like ages (blinds, our shower...). The weather here is actually supposed to be pretty crappy with rain making its way back sometime this weekend. Today it didn't even reach 70 degrees; it capped out at 69, which is a BIG drop from the very hot weather we had been experiencing up until now.

Justin has started talking a lot more...yesterday he point to a dog and said 'puppy'! He also is having a lot more nightmares which are common his pediatrician said when we were there last month for his 15-month check up. The nightmares seem to have really started this week and I'm wondering if it's because he's dreaming about still tubing down the Wenatchee River:-)

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