Monday, August 10, 2009

Justin's New Trick...

Justin went down the stairs all by himself beginning on Saturday. First he took a step or two down from the top of the stairs (standing on two feet mind you) and I about had a heart attack racing and tripping over my own two feet to get him before he fell; instead he sat on his butt and slid down a few steps and then must've made the realization that there has to be a faster way to get down the stairs so he turned over onto his belly and came racing down all of the stairs. After that, it was over, all he wanted to do was hang around on the steps going up and down...he was driving me nuts:-) After I finally told him to make up his mind about up or down, he came down; I put the gate up and he had a HUGE fit! Like a total meltdown because he now wanted to go back up the stairs. I got him sidetracked soon enough and he was able to move onto something else pretty quickly:-)

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