Monday, August 17, 2009

Update on the (wild) cats!

We tried to catch the cats last weekend and do you know they are like ferocious bobcats!!! I've never heard hissing, meowing, scratching, and carrying on like I did when we tried to catch them. They all scattered...come to find out, one got in the garage. We saw it yesterday and between Philip shining a flashlight and me using a broom handle to push at the kitten, we were able to shimmy it towards the open garage door and it ran out. We are unclear where it actually went, but we really don't care as long as it's not in the garage. There is no way in hell someone would be able to pick one of those kittens up without getting their arms and whatever else it grabs torn to shreds!!! Those cats hate people and I'm not sure how anyone would be able to go about adopting them since they need to be domesticated. Mary Kay is going to work to trap them and see if she can't get them to the Humane Society of Pierce County...if I were a little girl looking for my first kitten, these for sure in the hell wouldn't be it!

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