Monday, August 31, 2009

New update on the wild cats...

Mary Kay actually caught a different wild full grown cat then the ones we were originally trying to catch! She heard all this clanging, banging, and growling this past Thursday night outside her kitchen window and she had thought her dog knocked over the trash can (it was about 9:30p); found out it wasn't Coco and that it was coming from the cat trap on our side yard. We were already asleep up on the second story with the a/c on that of course we heard make a long story short, this WILD cat was jumping around and trying to get out of the trap that it made its head bloody...the next day she took the cat to the animal rescue shelter where you know this kind of adult cat was going to be put down. It was the most traumatic thing she'd gone through and since she's such and animal lover...she still wasn't over the experience 24 hours later. She ended up taking the cat trap down to our other neighbors house to hopefully catch the kittens there and not end up with some other wild animal; only time will tell after talking with her what she caught this time!!!

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