Friday, August 28, 2009

To the doctor AND the dentist!!!

I took Justin to the doctor again this morning for a re-check since he's been coughing for the last 2 weeks...I really thought that he would have pneumonia, BUT he doesn't:-) Actually, his ears, lungs, mouth, and throat all look great. His nose looks like hell and he's got a cough with mucus, but not in the's considered bronchitis which he's basically had for 2-weeks; I'm not sure why we can't seem to get rid of it. It's viral, so like anything you just have to wait for it to run its course. There are no antibiotics for it, however, the doctor put him on amoxicillan because he had a small fever yesterday and Wednesday in case it's not something more that he's fighting. The doctor also says through the stethoscope that he actually heard a slight wheeze as well which I can't hear and haven't heard with the naked ear:-) He sure plays and STILL gets into everything like he's not sick. He's been eating like a friggen' cow (i.e., whole hot dogs, buns and all in one sitting), and still playing all the time. He napped at school yesterday from 12-4p and then came home and slept his entire normal bedtime routine!!! I think he's in a serious growth spurt with one of his bottom bicuspid tooth popping through. This might be what's causing the snotty, runny nose...Kids always have issues, but at least it's nothing super serious TODAY:-)

Jordan went to the dentist and had 3 fillings done today as well on his big teeth on the left side of his mouth, two on the bottom, and one on the top. Like I mentioned a couple of months ago, since these are his big teeth that he'll keep until he's like 12, we couldn't let them go knowing that they would fall out soon anyways. He was very nervous in the beginning, but he held my hand and got his teeth drilled and filled (and no he didn't need a needle with anesthesia)! It took me and the dentist & assistant more coaching to get Jordan READY for the fillings then it took to actually do them...we were in the office at 4:30 and out by 5p, with probably only 10 minutes of it spent actually filling the teeth. He goes to Willamette Dental which caters to kids; the dentist did great showing Jordan all of the instruments and letting him touch them. The only one that made him very nervous was the suction tool. I think it had too much of a suction that I think it scared him more then anything!

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