Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day out with Thomas (July 11, 2009)

Here are a few pictures of the 'Day out with Thomas' that we did this past Saturday up in Snoqualmie. People were actually stopping on the road to take pictures of the train going by...I guess if I saw Thomas going by I'm sure we'd be doing the same thing. So Thomas was actually the one pulling the rail cars that we were in; there were a total of about 4 or so cars I think. I can't really remember since it was SO hot!!!

It REALLY is Thomas taking us for a ride!!!!
Mommy & Jordan touring a train engine...we got to play with all of the knobs and controls.
Looking down into the Snoqualmie river...the falls are off to the right of this picture. You can't see, but the little specks in the water are people kayaking and rafters...there were also people walking along the rocks next to the water as well. We were VERY high up over the falls.
Justin and his close up!!! Just hanging out with the family!
Jordan getting a tattoo "like Mommy" he said. Well, his is actually a tattoo of James the tank engine, not his astrological sign:-)
The boys on the train getting ready for the ride to start!
Mommy & Justin waiting for the ride to start. Justin kept trying to hang his hands and head out the windows...No Fear I tell you!

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