Wednesday, July 22, 2009

News & Tidbits...

Grandma & Papa are coming out in September for a visit. They are arriving on 9/15 and leaving like 10 days later! Philip & I will be working some of that time since of those 10 days, there is only one weekend was cheaper to fly out on a Tuesday and go back the following Thursday. They are looking very forward to the visit since it will have been one year exactly since they last saw the kids. We were back in MI last year September (I think it would be that exact week if I were to check the calendar); it's hard to believe a year has already come and gone! Another reason they are coming this specific time is that my dad wants to go to the Puyallup Fair. For those of you that know him, this is definitely his cup of tea:-) We don't have any further plans then that, but I am contemplating going up to the Woodland Zoo in Seattle since we've not been there either. We always go to NW Trek every year (potentially this Saturday) and then to the zoo in Tacoma usually at least once a year as well.

Justin's newest word is 'outside'! Yeah, I wrote that right...I about pooped my pants on Sunday; he went over to the back patio door slider, put his face and hands on the window, and clear as day said 'outside'. He's such a little sponge and absorbs SO much now! In fact, he said it again today while he was in his high chair eating dinner; only this time he pointed to the back patio door and said it. I swear, soon enough he'll be asking to bum the keys to the car:-) He's doing great and is always smiling to see me when I pick them up from daycare everyday!

Jordan is having the most difficult time going to sleep at night...I'm not sure if it's because it's daylight out, if he gets extra sleep during nap time at school (yes, he still has nap time!), or if he plan just thinks he's going to miss out on something, but it about drives me bonkers when I end up going to bed (sleep) before he does. Don't get me wrong, he gets into bed, but he talks to himself, needs water, needs to go potty....everything else but go to sleep! When do they ever just go to sleep when they are supposed to:-) He can write all of his letters now on his doodle by copying them; I guess he's prepping himself for Kindergarten next year!Check Spelling

Philip is traveling again the week of 8/3 to Hopkinsville, KY and Chicago. It's me, the boys, AND Mary Kay!!! The boys just love her and we do too!!!

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