Monday, July 13, 2009

The San Francisco Treat?

Philip is heading out tomorrow afternoon for the remainder of the week for training down in San Francisco...It'll be just me and the boys with help from our bestest friend and neighbor Mary Kay! I told him that he'd better bring back the family a treat and it had better NOT be Rice-a-roni either:-)

It sounds like Philip is going to go back to school this fall to get is Bachelor's Degree. I'm not sure exactly what in, but it will help him to prepare him for the next level at he'll be in school as well as I'll be in school. That'll make for some real busy times around here! He'll be going to the same place that I'm currently going; City University of Seattle. I wonder if we can get some sort of discount...I'm doubtful:-)

I'm off to bed as I barely got any sleep last night...maybe a total of 5 hours if I was lucky; not sure why, just couldn't sleep! Jordan got up too talking about I'm thirsty at 0100 in the morning.

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