Friday, July 10, 2009

15-month Check Up

Justin had his 15-month check up this afternoon...he is doing great and the pneumonia that he had on Monday (yes, for the second time if you are asking yourself) was all cleared up today after the 5 days of antibiotics. Not sure why he seems to be susceptible to pneumonia, but I guess once you get it, it is easier to get....:-(

Anyways his stats are:
Head: 48cm (75th%)
Wt: 25 lbs. (50th%)
Ht: 33" (90th%)

Obviously Justin is one tall, skinny kid!!!!

Jordan's comparison stats for 15-months are:
Head: 47cm
Wt: 22.5 lbs.
Ht: 31 1/2"

I think Justin is turning into my little Bruiser!

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