Wednesday, July 29, 2009


For me to say it's friggen' hot is surely something to those of you that know me...! Today our temperature broke a record set back in 1891 of 100 degrees; we reached 104 degrees today and some areas even got hotter! We are 30 degrees above our normal averages for the year and obviously we are smack in the middle of a 100 year-old event. Not sure, but I think Vegas was only forecasting 107 degrees...we were actually hotter here in the NW then Texas and Tuscon, AZ which for all of you not familiar with geography is the desert:-) Don't get me wrong; I love the heat and the sun, but I've acclimated to the NW weather enough now to not wanting to be outside doing anything with the boys in the heat! If I were in Vegas, the difference is that I would be floating in a pool constantly wetting myself....LOVE IT!

Tomorrow we are supposed to be 100 degrees or just a smidge cooler or warmer depending on what area (south/north) you are in. This would make day #5 in a row of over the 90 degrees and again we would be breaking some really old record of the 4 days in a row.

This is so one of the many reasons we had A/C put in the house back in the spring of 2007. The true/real pacific north westerners who have lived their whole life in WA say, but you don't need the A/C but a few days a year....let me talk to them now and I'm sure these are the few days of the year that they wish they had A/C:-) It just makes sleeping a whole lot easier when you are more comfortable instead of the house being in the mid 80's. Not sure, but we'll definitely keep the maintenance agreement up on the A/C unit so we always know it's working and in mint condition for when these 100-year events happen and seem to happen more regularly each and every year.

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