Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Procrastination...It's Jordan's new middle name!

Getting Jordan to sleep has just turned into one of the longest drawn out events in history! For example, this evening, he had to see my IPOD and turn it on, then had to see Philip's, then had to have Philip rub his back and read him a book, then his fingers were sticky so he had to quickly wash them, then mommy had to rub his back, then he needed a drink of water, then he had to let me know/tell me that we were supposed to go over to Samantha's house (Kareena, we might pop over tomorrow:-)), then he needed socks put on his feet, and then finally he needed to be covered up...all in all this took 45 minutes. It's now 9p and I can still hear him upstairs (in his bed mind you) doing who knows what! I'm not exactly sure besides tying him directly to his bed at 8p (No, I wouldn't really do this), how I would get him to go to bed and not lolly gag for almost an hour. I know the staying light out later hasn't helped, but it is now actually getting darker earlier again...I really think he does this to try my/our patience (which we already have little to begin with) and push our buttons, and do you know it works:-) We've worked to start the process earlier, but then instead of 45 minutes, it might be the 45 minutes plus the entire time added on for getting him started on the process earlier! I almost think it's a no win situation and I've just got to live with the fact that 4-year olds do this and eventually he'll grow out of this and when he gets older and does his own thing, I'll think back on this and wish we could go back:-) How I love being a mom!!!

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