Monday, July 27, 2009

What's another name for a 'hotbox' on wheels?

.....can you say, my bus on the ride home this afternoon!!! The temperature today got to be 94 degrees (it's still reading 87 degrees as I write this) outside and it's only going to get warmer as the days go on and potentially into the end of next week! It's been since 1981 where we've broken the record for 5 consecutive days over 90 degrees and they think we are going to easily break that this week.

My bus that picked us up in Bellevue this afternoon was 7 minutes late because it had over-heated on it's way to get us. The good thing about ST buses is that they have AC where the King County Metro buses don't, anyways, the ST bus that picked us up was broken/over-heating so it didn't have AC, then we had to get off in Renton and transfer to another bus for the rest of the ride home which of course ended up being a King County Metro bus with no AC...I swear that the temperature in that bus had to have been at least 100 degrees since it was well over 90 degrees outside; folks were walking off the bus with wet hair! I was sweating my butt off that I thought that I'd get home and weigh myself since I'm sure I had sweated off a few pounds during the ride home:-) It was the most uncomfortable bus ride I've taken since I started riding buses this past Nov.

I'm really hoping that tomorrow brings a better bus ride home since it's suppose to even be hotter tomorrow...close to the upper 90's!

1 comment:

FitmamaMichele said...

I have to say it's rather funny to hear you complain about the heat after all the complaints about cold and rain before. :)