Monday, July 13, 2009

It Really Sucks (IRS)

To make a long story short...the day before we were leaving to go camping for the 4th of July weekend, we got a letter in the mail from the IRS! Needless to say, I was thinking about it all weekend since they were saying we basically owe them $7K for our 2007 taxes...not chump change! After further review on my own end, I knew it had something to do with how I recorded the stock options on the schedule K since I had exercised stock during this period. Anywhoo, I basically put the cost basis down completely wrong which in the end made it look like we had a capital gain of $26K when we really only had a capital gain of $152! I ended up taking everything to this great little accounting firm down the street that has been in business since 1973...$180 later ($60/hr); drum roll please........the IRS OWES us $540. Since I had grossed up our income to a higher tax bracket, we would've actually had more money coming back to us! It's a great day! I never want to have to go through that's very worry some; I figure if I get anything out of the ordinary I'm going into to this same firm and having it done right the first time (lesson learned at the age of 35)!:-)

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