Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home with a sick kid again today!!!

Justin ran a 101.5 temp yesterday at school and of course I was called at 4:40p when the day was technically over and I picked him up 30 minutes later...he couldn't return to school today, so I had to work from home. I ran him to the doctor anyways since he's been symptomatic for getting pneumonia but his lungs and ears were both clear:-) Thank goodness for that...his pediatrician figures the spike in the fever out of the blue was due to his measles vaccination he got 10 days ago, in fact, I specifically remember the doctor saying that but for some reason I was thinking 4 days and not 10 days. 4 days is for the chickenpox vaccine. I'm just glad he's SEEMS to be doing OK, with seems being the key word!!

You would've thought that a full-term baby wouldn't be as sick as a preemie one, but I'm learning that that isn't necessarily the case...Justin seems to be one sick kid as compared to his older brother!

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